The Client
HikeWest is the peak body and voice for bushwalking and hiking in WA. They are a volunteer-run, not-for-profit association committed to promoting bushwalking and the interests of bushwalkers in the State, in keeping with our vision of Better Bushwalking for Western Australia.

The Brief
The rebuilding of the HikeWest had these following key points:
- Easy to maintain and expand
- Content Management System-based
- Contemporary, appealing design
- Files archiving & retrieval system
- Membership forms for easy data collection
- New menu structure
- Opportunity for dynamic content (eg ‘News’ updates)
- User-friendliness to visitors and administrators.
- Smartphone responsiveness
- Google Analytics and Google console tools to track website health/performance and allow for easy data collection/analysis as requested by the client.
- Implement a comprehensive strategy to transfer the site and redirect all pages to reduce 404’s and lost content, SEO rankings after migration.

The Outcome
After a comprehensive strategy session with the leaders at HikeWest we came up with a plan to deliver a site that met the clubs growing needs. We built a ‘find a club’ and also created forms that would automatically generate listings to be viewed on the front of the website. There was a lot of content to organise and maintain so we focussed making sure the user-experience was logical and easy to follow. The club has made some great traction since launch and continues to grow.